Why Homeowners Are Trading Traditional Houses for Garage Homes in Cape Coral
Cape Coral is a paradise for boaters, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who enjoys Florida’s year-round sunshine. But if you own ..
Real Estate Shortcodes
Below are all custom real estate shortcodes with example code and shortcode output.
The property listing shortcode comes with plenty of filters. The example below show all apartments (type) in london (location) that are for rent (status) with air conditioning (features), available from Sept 01 2014 (available_from), with a max price of 5000 (max_price) in a three column-layout (columns) with three properties per page (per_page).
[property_listing colums="3" per_page="3" location="london" status="rent" type="apartment" features="air-conditioning" max_price="5000" min_rooms="2" available_from="20140901"]
No Properties Found.
Make sure to use the slug for “location”, “status”, “type” and “features”. Format of “available_from” is: YYYYMMDD
Properties can be set “Featured” with a single click from the property detail page.
[featured_properties columns="2"]
Insert any single property anywhere on your site by referencing its post ID.
[single_property id="297"]
[single_property id="95"]
Use the following shortcode to display your entire team of agents on your “About” page or within a blog post.
[agents columns="3"]
Testimonials are created like a normal blog post.
[testimonials columns="2"]
My wife and I have been living in our Sposen Home for almost a year and we couldn't be happier...Jeremy, Sara, Buck and the rest of the Sposen family built us our dream home!!..The Sposen team was professional and attentive to all of our needs from beginning to end!..if your looking for a high quality home for a great price, look no further than Sposen Homes!!!
Jason P. – Cape Coral
You have every aspect of customer service down to a science. I would recommend you to anyone I know! - K. Richey
K. Richey
We were impressed with your professionalism and the approach you applied in our initial meeting to first understand our needs and wants. You provided us with a comprehensive information about the real estate market in SW Florida as well as your products. This allowed us to make an informed decision. Thank you! -Shanine
R. Shanine
You are all very pleasant, smart and motivated. I am impressed how you always manage to stay on top of things . Thanks! - J. Tadileh
J. Tadileh
Fully customizable property search. Enable/disable any search field.
Insert custom property maps anywhere on your site. Set location, zoom level, and map height.
[map address="London, UK" zoomlevel="13" height="400px"]
Show a preview of your latest blog posts anywhere on your site. Set number of posts and columns.
[latest_posts posts="3" columns="2"]
Cape Coral is a paradise for boaters, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who enjoys Florida’s year-round sunshine. But if you own ..
When building your dream home, it’s natural to want everything just right. As you review the architectural plans and walk ..
Get ready, because the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association (CCCIA) Builders’ Showcase of Homes kicks off January 17th, and Sposen ..